Cowboy working on a ranch
Our beliefs are who we are

Do what’s right
We take pride in acting in our client’s best interest at all times.

Go the extra mile
We go above and beyond to find the right answers and deliver excellence.

What’s free can cost you
Free advice can cause you to lose your shirt. On the other hand, the value of wise investment advice far exceeds its price.

“Where everybody knows your name”
The guys from Cheers knew this was important. Each and every client matters to us.

Simple is better than complicated
Our clients lead busy lives. Our job is to enable them to easily oversee and understand their finances.

Ben Franklin was right
“A penny saved is a penny earned,” and not one of yours will be wasted by us. Reductions in investment costs and taxes can amount to big bucks over time.

“It don’t come easy”
It’s hard to save money and easy to lose it. If an investment sounds too good to be true, it is.

Our clients are like family
We’d never do anything with your money that we wouldn't do with our own.

Change is constant
Nothing stays the same, not you or the world around you. Successful investing isn’t one big decision. It is a series of smaller decisions over a long period of time.

Uncomplicated advice for a complicated world.
© 2021, Texas Asset Management. All Rights Reserved.